Commodity Indices

Navigating Commodity Indices

A Guide to the S&P GSCI, Bloomberg Commodity Index, and Dow Jones Commodity Index

Welcome to our latest post on! Today, we’re focusing on a crucial aspect of the commodity trading world – commodity indices. These indices, including the S&P GSCI, Bloomberg Commodity Index, and Dow Jones Commodity Index, are key tools for investors and traders to gauge the overall performance of the commodities market. Let’s break down each of these indices and understand their significance.

S&P GSCI (Standard & Poor’s Goldman Sachs Commodity Index)

The S&P GSCI is one of the most widely recognized commodity indices. Originally developed by Goldman Sachs, it’s now managed by Standard & Poor’s. It’s known for:

  • Diverse Coverage: The index covers 24 commodities from all commodity sectors – energy, metals, agricultural, and livestock.
  • Weighting Scheme: It’s heavily weighted towards energy commodities, making it a go-to index for those particularly interested in energy markets.
  • Purpose and Usage: The S&P GSCI serves as a benchmark for investment in the commodity markets and as a measure of commodity performance.

Key Facts:

  • The energy sector has the largest weight in the S&P GSCI.
  • It’s used by investors to hedge against inflation and diversify their portfolios.

Bloomberg Commodity Index (BCOM)

The Bloomberg Commodity Index offers a broader representation of the commodity markets. It’s unique for:

  • Diversification: The BCOM is diversified across 23 commodities, with a relatively balanced approach between the various sectors.
  • Liquidity Criteria: Commodities in the index are selected based on liquidity, ensuring that the index is reflective of investable commodity markets.
  • Relevance: It’s updated regularly to maintain relevance and representativeness of the current commodity markets.

Key Facts:

  • The index limits the weight of any single commodity and sector, reducing concentration risk.
  • It’s a popular tool for investors seeking exposure to a broad range of commodities.

Dow Jones Commodity Index (DJCI)

The Dow Jones Commodity Index is another key player, known for:

  • Simplicity and Efficiency: The DJCI is designed to be a simple and efficient benchmark for the commodity futures market.
  • Equal Sector Weight: Unlike the S&P GSCI, it gives equal weight to each sector, offering a more balanced view across different commodity types.
  • Selection Criteria: The index includes commodities based on liquidity and production data, ensuring it’s representative of the global commodity market.

Key Facts:

  • The equal-weight approach of the DJCI offers a unique perspective compared to other indices.
  • It’s utilized by investors looking for a more balanced and diversified commodity investment.

Understanding Commodity Indices: Why It Matters

For traders and investors in the commodities market, understanding these indices is crucial:

  • Market Trends: These indices provide a snapshot of the overall health and trends in the commodity markets.
  • Investment Decisions: They can guide investment decisions, helping in portfolio diversification and risk management.
  • Benchmarking: Traders and fund managers often use these indices as benchmarks to assess the performance of their commodity investments.


The S&P GSCI, Bloomberg Commodity Index, and Dow Jones Commodity Index each offer unique perspectives and insights into the commodities market. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a new investor, understanding these indices is key to navigating the complex world of commodities. At, we provide the tools and insights you need to stay informed and make strategic decisions in the commodity markets. Keep following us for more insights into the fascinating world of commodity trading!


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